// Product title: Gurt Calendar JavaScript // Product version details: 1.2.0, 03-01-2006 (mm-dd-yyyy) // Product URL: http://gurtom.com/products/calendars/js // Contact info: gurt-feedback@gurtom.com (specify product title in the subject) // Notes: This script is free. Feel free to copy, use and change this script as // long as this head part remains unchanged. Visit official site for details. // Copyright: (c) 2006 by Gurtom.Com var agC= [],ogB,oD; function gCalendar(oSettings){ var _ = this; _.nCId = agC.length; agC[_.nCId] = _; if (!ogB) ogB = new _UserAgent(); if (!oD) oD = new _DManager(); _.sNameControl = oSettings.dataArea ? oSettings.dataArea :'dataArea'+_.nCId; _.sIcoName = 'icoCls'+_.nCId; _.sPosName = 'icoPos'+_.nCId; _.sDivName = 'clsDiv'+_.nCId; _.sBoxName = 'clsBox'+_.nCId; _.sTitleName = 'clsTitle'+_.nCId; _.sPmiName = 'clsPMI'+_.nCId; _.sNmiName = 'clsNMI'+_.nCId; _.sPyiName = 'clsPYI'+_.nCId; _.sNyiName = 'clsNYI'+_.nCId; _.sPmaName = 'clsPMA'+_.nCId; _.sNmaName = 'clsNMA'+_.nCId; _.sPyaName = 'clsPYA'+_.nCId; _.sNyaName = 'clsNYA'+_.nCId; _.oIco = 'a'; _.oChiefDate = new Date(); _.sChiefFormat = !oSettings.dateFormat ? 'Y.m.d' : oSettings.dateFormat; _.oApp = oSettings['appearance']; gBuildControl(_); } function gBuildControl(_) { var oWbuf = new writer(); /* oWbuf.into ('
' ); */ oWbuf.into ('
' + '' + '
' ); //alert(oWbuf.out()) ; document.write(oWbuf.out()); gBuildCalendar(_); gSetControl(_); gUpdateCalendarControl(_); } function gCalendarNew(oSettings) { var _ = this; _.nCId = agC.length; agC[_.nCId] = _; if (!ogB) ogB = new _UserAgent(); if (!oD) oD = new _DManager(); _.sNameControl = oSettings.dataArea ? oSettings.dataArea :'dataArea'+_.nCId; _.sIcoName = 'icoCls'+_.nCId; _.sPosName = 'icoPos'+_.nCId; _.sDivName = 'clsDiv'+_.nCId; _.sBoxName = 'clsBox'+_.nCId; _.sTitleName = 'clsTitle'+_.nCId; _.sPmiName = 'clsPMI'+_.nCId; _.sNmiName = 'clsNMI'+_.nCId; _.sPyiName = 'clsPYI'+_.nCId; _.sNyiName = 'clsNYI'+_.nCId; _.sPmaName = 'clsPMA'+_.nCId; _.sNmaName = 'clsNMA'+_.nCId; _.sPyaName = 'clsPYA'+_.nCId; _.sNyaName = 'clsNYA'+_.nCId; _.oIco = 'a'; _.oChiefDate = new Date(); _.sChiefFormat = !oSettings.dateFormat ? 'Y.m.d' : oSettings.dateFormat; _.oApp = oSettings['appearance']; gBuildControlNew(_); } function gBuildControlNew(_) { var oWbuf = new writer(); /* oWbuf.into ('
' ); */ oWbuf.into ('
' + '' + '
' ); //alert(oWbuf.out()) ; document.write(oWbuf.out()); gBuildCalendar(_); gSetControl(_); gUpdateCalendarControl(_); } function gBuildCalendar(_){ var oWbuf = new writer(); //oWbuf.into(''); oWbuf.into(''); if(ogB.ie6){ oWbuf.into(''); } document.write(oWbuf.out()); } function gDateReset(oInDate){ var oTmpDate = oInDate ? new Date(oInDate) : new Date(); oTmpDate.setHours(0);oTmpDate.setMinutes(0);oTmpDate.setSeconds(0);oTmpDate.setMilliseconds(0); return oTmpDate; } function gDateType(c,oInDate){ var nResType = 1,oTmpDate = new Date(oInDate); oTmpDate = gDateReset(oTmpDate); var oChiefDateTmp = c.oChiefDate; if (gDateReset(oChiefDateTmp).valueOf() == oTmpDate.valueOf()) nResType |= 2; if (oTmpDate.getMonth() != oChiefDateTmp.getMonth() || oTmpDate.getFullYear() != oChiefDateTmp.getFullYear()) nResType |= 8; if (oTmpDate.getDay() == 0 || oTmpDate.getDay() == 6) nResType |= 4; return nResType; } function gDisplayCalendar(_) { var sVis = String(_.oDiv.style.visibility).toLowerCase(); if (sVis == 'visible' || sVis == 'show') { _.oDiv.style.visibility = 'hidden'; if(ogB.ie6) {_.oDiv2.style.visibility = 'hidden';} _.oIco.src = _.oApp['IcoCalVis']; } else { gRePosition(_); if(gVerifyDataArea(_))gUpdateCalendarData(_); _.oDiv.style.visibility = 'visible'; if(ogB.ie6) { _.oDiv2.style.width = _.oDiv.offsetWidth; _.oDiv2.style.height = _.oDiv.offsetHeight; _.oDiv2.style.visibility = 'visible'; } _.oIco.src = _.oApp['IcoCalUnVis']; } } function gUserClickHandler(_,inDa,typeClick) { var tmpDa = inDa ? new Date(inDa) : new Date(_.oChiefDate); _.oChiefDate = new Date(tmpDa); if(!typeClick) {gDisplayCalendar(_);_.oDataArea.value = oD.GenerateDate(_.oChiefDate,_.sChiefFormat);} gUpdateCalendarData(_); } function gUpdateCalendarData(_){ gUpdateCalendarControl(_); //_.oInfoTitle.innerHTML = _.oApp['longmonth'][_.oChiefDate.getMonth()]+' '+_.oChiefDate.getFullYear(); _.oInfoTitle.innerHTML = _.oChiefDate.getFullYear()+'³â ' + _.oApp['longmonth'][_.oChiefDate.getMonth()]; _.oUnitedGrid.innerHTML = ''; _.oUnitedGrid.innerHTML = gUnitedGrid(_); } function gSetControl(_){ var oTmpDate; _.oDiv = gObja(_,_.sDivName); if(ogB.ie6) _.oDiv2 = gObja(_,'IE6bug'+_.sDivName); _.oIco = gObja(_,_.sIcoName); _.oPos = gObja(_,_.sPosName); _.oDataArea = gObja(_,_.sNameControl); _.oUnitedGrid = gObja(_,_.sBoxName); _.oInfoTitle = gObja(_,_.sTitleName); _.oPMI = gObja(_,_.sPmiName); _.oNMI = gObja(_,_.sNmiName); _.oPYI = gObja(_,_.pyiName); _.oNYI = gObja(_,_.sNyiName); _.oPMA = gObja(_,_.sPmaName); _.oNMA = gObja(_,_.sNmaName); _.oPYA = gObja(_,_.sPyaName); _.oNYA = gObja(_,_.sNyaName); } function gShiftDate (oInDate, sShiftYear, sShiftMonth ,sShiftHour,sShiftMinute,sShiftSecond) { var oTmpDate = new Date(oInDate); if (sShiftYear) oTmpDate.setFullYear(oTmpDate.getFullYear() + sShiftYear); if (sShiftMonth) {oTmpDate.setMonth(oTmpDate.getMonth() + sShiftMonth);} if (sShiftHour) {oTmpDate.setHours(oTmpDate.getHours() + sShiftHour);} if (sShiftMinute) {oTmpDate.setMinutes(oTmpDate.getMinutes() + sShiftMinute);} if (sShiftSecond) {oTmpDate.setSeconds(oTmpDate.getSeconds() + sShiftSecond);} if(!(sShiftHour||sShiftMinute||sShiftSecond)) { if (oTmpDate.getDate() != oInDate.getDate()) {oTmpDate.setDate(0);} } return oTmpDate.valueOf(); } function gUpdateCalendarControl(_){ _.oPYA.href = "javascript: gUserClickHandler(agC["+_.nCId+"],"+gShiftDate (_.oChiefDate,-1)+",2);"; _.oNYA.href = "javascript: gUserClickHandler(agC["+_.nCId+"],"+gShiftDate (_.oChiefDate,1)+",2);"; _.oPMA.href = "javascript: gUserClickHandler(agC["+_.nCId+"],"+gShiftDate (_.oChiefDate,null,-1)+",1);"; _.oNMA.href = "javascript: gUserClickHandler(agC["+_.nCId+"],"+gShiftDate (_.oChiefDate,null,1)+",1);"; } function gVerifyDataArea(_){ if (_.oDataArea.value) { oTmpDate = oD.ParseDate(_.oDataArea.value+'',_.sChiefFormat); if(!oTmpDate) { alert(_.oApp['messages']['Warning']); oTmpDate=new Date() }; if(oTmpDate.valueOf() != _.oChiefDate.valueOf()) { _.oChiefDate = new Date(oTmpDate); return true; } else { _.oDataArea.value = oD.GenerateDate(_.oChiefDate,_.sChiefFormat); return false; } } else return false; } function gDayTitle (o) { var oWbuf = new writer(); oWbuf.into(''); for (var nWD = 0; nWD < 7; nWD++) oWbuf.into('',o.oApp.weekdays[(nWD+1)%7],''); oWbuf.into(''); return(oWbuf.out()); } function gDayGrid(a){ var oWbuf = new writer(),oFDay = new Date(a.oChiefDate); oFDay.setDate(1); oFDay.setDate(1 - (6 + oFDay.getDay()) % 7); var oTDay = new Date(oFDay); while (oTDay.getMonth() == a.oChiefDate.getMonth() || oTDay.getMonth() == oFDay.getMonth()) { oWbuf.into(''); for (var nWD = 0; nWD < 7; nWD++) { oWbuf.into(gDayCell(a,oTDay)); oTDay.setDate(oTDay.getDate() + 1); } oWbuf.into('\n'); } return(oWbuf.out()); } function gUnitedGrid(_){ var oWbuf = new writer(); oWbuf.into(''); oWbuf.into(gDayTitle(_)); oWbuf.into(gDayGrid(_)); oWbuf.into('
'); return(oWbuf.out()); } function _UserAgent() { var _ = this,br = navigator.appName,v = _.version = navigator.appVersion,ua=_.uas = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),re_num = /opera/; _.op = re_num.exec(ua)?true:false; _.ie = (br == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"); if(_.op) {_.ie = false;} _.v = parseInt(v); if (_.ie) { _.ie4 = _.ie5 = _.ie55 = _.ie6 = false; if (v.indexOf('MSIE 6') > 0) {_.ie6 = true; _.v = 6;} } _.win32 = ua.indexOf("win")>-1; _.mac = ua.indexOf("mac")>-1; } function dmMakeWorkTemplate(inFormat){ var _=this,sCh,nKey=0,aTmp=[],aDel=["\\\\","\\/","\\.","\\+","\\*","\\?","\\$","\\^","\\|"]; for(nI = 0; nI < inFormat.length; nI ++){ sCh = inFormat.substr(nI,1); if(_.dmFormatChar.indexOf(sCh) != -1 && sCh != ''){ aTmp[nKey]=sCh; _.dmTmpFormat[nKey++]=sCh; } } nKey=1; for(nI in aDel) { inFormat=inFormat.replace("/"+aDel[nI]+"/g",aDel[nI]); } for(nI=0;nI' + oInDate.getDate() + ''; if(nTD&2) stTName = 'SelectedDay'; else if(nTD&4) stTName = 'HoliDay'; else if(nTD&8) stTName = 'OtherMonthDay'; else stTName = 'WorkDay'; sCell = '' + sCell + ''; return sCell; } function _DManager(){ var _=this; _.dmFormatChar='dmY'; _.dmSignFormatChar='dmY'; _.dmRegFormatChar = {'d' : "([0-9]{0,2})",'m' : "([0-9]{0,2})",'Y' : "([0-9]{4})"}; _.dmCallChar={'d':['setDate',function(_v,_m){_v=_v.getDate();if(_v<10)return('0'+_v);else return _v},function(_v){return _v*1}],'m':['setMonth',function(_v){_v=_v.getMonth()+1;if(_v<10)return('0'+_v);else return _v},function(_v){return(_v*1-1)}],'Y':['setFullYear','getFullYear',function(_v){return _v*1}]}; _.dmTmpFormat =[]; _.DateReset = gDateReset; _.MakeWorkTemplate = dmMakeWorkTemplate; _.GenerateDate = dmGenerateDate; _.ParseDate = dmParseDate; } function gRePosition (_) { _.oDiv.style.left = gGlobalPosition(_,'Left')+'px'; _.oDiv.style.top = gGlobalPosition(_,'Top')+'px'; if(ogB.ie6){ _.oDiv2.style.left = _.oDiv.style.left; _.oDiv2.style.top = _.oDiv.style.top; } } function gGlobalPosition (_,displace) { var nPos = 0, tPos = _.oPos; while (tPos) { nPos += tPos["offset" + displace]; tPos = tPos.offsetParent; } return nPos; } function gObja (_,_id) { if (document.images && document.images[_id]) return document.images[_id]; else if (_.formName && document.forms[_.formName].elements[_id]) return document.forms[_.formName].elements[_id]; else if (document.all && document.all[_id]) return document.all[_id]; else if (document.getElementById) return document.getElementById(_id); else return null; } function writer() { var _ = this; _.bufArray = []; _.into = function () { var n = arguments.length; for (var nI = 0; nI < n; nI++) _.bufArray[_.bufArray.length] = arguments[nI]; }; _.out = function () { return _.bufArray.join(''); }; }